Institut für Alles Mögliche

As our first collaboration with Institut für Alles Mögliche two residencies are held in connection to each other from March 15th – ending April 15th.

Karl Heinz Jeron. March 15th – March 25th.
Brunakra Field Trip

Enactments of a human-animal-plant-things symbiosis

In Swedish we use the word rymdvarelser which in German would be weltraumkreaturen for what in english would be aliens. But aliens means literally främling in Swedish or fremder in German. While rymdvarelser or weltraumkreaturen simply implies that the descripted creature belongs to space it doesn’t say if it’s known to us or not. If you want to meet real life rymdvarelser or weltraumkreaturen you don’t have to search for long. They are already all around you, living on this lonely outpost in space called earth. David Bowie knew this, that we’re all strangers living in space. Alien for one another. Främling or fremder, extra terrestrial or not.

Karl Heinz Jeron was born in Memmingen, Germany in 1962. He lives and works in Athens since 2018. His art deals with every day culture, media perception and information processing. He rather creates experiences than objects. Jeron’s works span from the singing and dancing robot Sim Gishel, to compositions for electrified rotten vegetables and audio tour guides in onshore wind farms. Recent exhibitions, events and collaborations include Athens Digital Arts Festival, ZKM Karlsruhe, Ars Electronica Linz, Documenta X, ICA London, Walker Art Museum Minneapolis, Berlinischen Galerie Berlin and the Museum of Modern Art San Francisco.

Dr. Veronika Reichl. April 1st – April 15th.
Phantasms of Art Works

What are artists’ phantasms of perfect works? What are we desperate for? What do we dream of, when we think of making a huge work (a dream almost every artist entertains)? How we imagine tiny works? What precise concepts – known and preconscious – do we entertain when we speak of poetic, daring, or consequent works? What ideals do we have in mind? What are the impulses, the perceptions, the hunches that get us going? What ideas about working processes and states of being passive and active are connected to these ideas on works?

During her stay in Brunakra Veronika will work on these questions, maybe conduct some interviews and try to develop a form of how to map them.

This is part of an ongoing project on phantasms of artistic production. Its first part was shown at the exhibition “The Production of Nothing” curated by Ulrike Riebel and Stefan Riebel from the Institut für alles Mögliche, Berlin, Kunstpunkt, 2018:

I have to lie down – pretty much about hardly anything

“During the exhibition I am as hyperactive as possible. I collect and develop figures of thought, descriptions, instructions about all kinds of minor and hardly-any-productions, about slow, discrete and hidden production, about latency phases and the phantasm of non-production. I collect these ideas with help of the visitors: Please give me an interview (5-15 min) on your delicate, narrow or reduced production, but also on your everyday production or your fantasies of non-production or large-scale production.”

Veronika Reichl works and lives as a writer, artist and lecturer in Berlin. Her preferred formats are performative talks, sound installations, and animated films. Many of her projects are located on the threshold between art and philosophy. All her works are concerned with the stuff we think, feel, imagine and perceive without being fully aware of it.


In collaboration with Institut für Alles Mögliche:





This residency at BRUNAKRA is financed by Goethe Institut Schweden:


