Eva Vēvere

The material text

The word context has become a signifier for critical theory and contemporary cultural discussions. The use of the word, according to Google statistics, has increased in popular use throughout the last hundred years. While being used modestly during the 19th century, it took off during early modernism to really explode from the sixties and onwards as post-modernism and critical theory became the main academic and artistic norm, to finally establish itself on a stable though slightly declining line during the last decade.

The relevance of the word context is that it points to and enlightens the importance of where something is said, and by whom it’s said. It enlightens the structures behind the words and it opens up for scrutinising the subject positions behind the voices. If you like, it explores the surroundings of the language. So what does it mean, where does it come from, what does it bear within it self?

The word derives from Latin.

  1. To weave (Latin: Textere), as in textile. The poet is a weaver who’s words bears meaning
  2. To connect (Latin: Con), as in together. The meaning makes sense to us only when placed together with its setting.

We’re happy to welcome Eva Vēvere during this spring´s second resident period at BRUNAKRA. In recent years she has put her interest into paper and books as mediums and information bearers as well as objects. During her residency she will focus on two opposing ideas – the manifestation of text as a material object; in other words, how text is transformed into an object and how paper represents ideas such as movement, time, and the clash between various aspects of reality and eras. And in the second direction – how various aspects of reality disappear, when paper and its value are transformed.

Visual artist Eva Vēvere (Latvia) is working in various media, including installation, process-based events, still and moving image. Since 2009 active with Poetic Robotism projects – a series of interactive installations and performances focusing on architecture of time and deconstruction of different aspects of life, connected both to the mundane reality and philosophic issues. In recent years, her exhibition activity has also included group shows at the Latvian National Museum of Art, annual Survival Kit festivals organised by the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art and experimental collaborations with professionals from the fields of contemporary dance and music. www.evavevere.com

Eva Vēvere will stay at BRUNAKRA during April 8th until May 5th. The residency is held through a collaboration with Konstitutet – the agency for artistic facilitation and exchange.

Image: Lyrical Stuff, collection of paper objects and ideas made for The Rainis and Aspazija Museum, Riga, Latvia, 2018/2019



In collaboration with:




Eva Vēvere´s residency at BRUNAKRA is financed by Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation: