Andrea Hvistendahls work investigates how society and policy interacts and affects the individual and vice versa. She has throughout her career thoroughly and tirelessly digged into human relations and its power games.
To name a few of her previous exhibited projects; HUMAN WORK (workshops involving 3 humanitarian org. and 13 artists) NO WASTE COOKING (a food-climate action) & YOUR MOVE (a game visualizing our social structures in society).
She arranges workshops and often works in collaborative projects as with Folke Bernadotteakademin (peace & conflict management agency), Environmental organizations, and until 2016 been active in the artist run gallery Studio44. Andrea holds a Master in Fine Arts.
The stone collection is a foundation and a pattern of messages sent from Athens, Greece. It will be exhibited at BRUNAKRA July 2nd – July 20th 2016. The project reflects a vulnerable Europe but also the strength and core values of the individual in relation to the collective and connecting developments growing out of ever changing circumstances.